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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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A pathway for becoming culture-changing Christians

If “Easter” isn’t in the Bible, why do we celebrate it?

How to be Christian in an anti-Christian culture

What does it mean to be accountable to God?

How political should Christians be? Preston Sprinkle discusses his new book, “Exiles”

Toni Collier guest on The Denison Forum Podcast

A different kind of strength: Toni Collier on women’s Unshakable Moxie

When politics get extreme, what should Christians do? A conversation with Tim Alberta

“A Great Calm,” why Christians observe Lent, and the role of women in ministry: Insights from Janet Denison

Aaron Pierce Not Beyond Reach Podcast Interview

Is Gen Z beyond the reach of the church? A conversation with Aaron Pierce

Why we observe Black History Month: Tyrone Johnson discusses biblical equality

Confronting the past: Why International Holocaust Remembrance Day matters

Why we must choose life

On the ground in Israel: An Israeli’s perspective on the war

David French and Curtis Chang join The Denison Forum Podcast to discuss "The After Party."

An invitation to “The After Party”: Reframing Christian engagement in politics with David French and Curtis Chang

History is His story: On Jesus’ greatest commandment, the January 6 riot, and the importance of history

Israel’s options, the pope’s blessing, and the incredible reality of the incarnation

Ask Jim: Jesus in hell, salvation after death, and “God made me this way”

What If Jesus Was Serious about Heaven? With Skye Jethani

The War in Israel: What You Need to Know about This Crisis of Global Significance

How to talk to your kids about gender identity with Dr. Mark Yarhouse

The essential Christian practice of creation care discipleship with Steven Bouma-Prediger

What college students should know about the war in Israel

Why is Jesus called Immanuel? Janet Denison discusses her new Advent devotional

How does the Bible apply to today’s politics? With Kaitlyn Schiess

Denison Forum
17304 Preston Rd, Suite 1060
Dallas, TX 75252-5618
[email protected]

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PO Box 226903
Dallas, TX 75222-6903