
Biblical living
First Catholic priest in US to die of COVID-19: The practical good of Good Friday
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Pastor livestreams sermon three days before his death: Living for the One who died for us
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Passover lessons in a pandemic: The past is no predictor of the future
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Tyler Perry pays for groceries for elderly at 73 stores: Anonymous missionaries who have changed your life
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Jack Dorsey to donate $1 billion to fight coronavirus and advice from a 1918 pandemic survivor: Making an authentic Maundy Thursday today
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
‘Boxes of Hope’ becomes national movement: A building is not a church
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
267 different COVID-19 remedies being developed: The most urgent cure in the world
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Is the government violating religious freedom by restricting church services? A Holy Wednesday invitation to solitude
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Bill Gates will spend billions to help find COVID-19 vaccine: The countercultural key to bold faith
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Dr. Antonio Fauci’s personal story: Recognizing the unnamed heroes of our world and faith
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
The brightest supermoon of the year: A Holy Tuesday invitation to risk-taking faith that changes eternity
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Tooth fairy and Easter Bunny are ‘essential workers’ in New Zealand: Sharing your ‘home’ in Christ
Jim Denison, PhD

A century later, have we learned the lessons of the ‘Spanish flu’ pandemic of 1918?
Steve Yount

Current events
Queen of England says ‘We will overcome’: How faith can be more powerful than all our fears
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
‘We are beginning to see the glimmers of progress’: A Holy Monday invitation to the cleansing power of Jesus
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Some of the firsts caused by the pandemic: Finding strength for the battle
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Dr. Anthony Fauci is now a bobblehead: How to be able to say, ‘I arise today through mighty strength’
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Funerals in the Holy Land and a virtual tour of Jerusalem: Using the pandemic for eternal good
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
How the pandemic changed a Garth Brooks concert: The empowering joy of hearing God’s voice
Jim Denison, PhD