
Current events
High school principal visits 612 graduating seniors: Reframing the depth of the pandemic to experience God in depth
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Looting artifacts in a pandemic: Reframing spiritual adversity as opportunity
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Modifying iPhones for facemask wearers and cutting the hair of medical workers: As we work, God works
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Ancient mill producing flour during the pandemic: The power of the past to change the present
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Former baseball manager is changing the world, one note at a time: ‘Find a need and fill it’
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Family finds the dog that saved them from a tornado: Surprising someone with God’s compassion today
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
William and Kate’s ninth wedding anniversary: The promise of eternal life and hope in Christ
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
WWII veteran receives 125,000 birthday cards: God uses us as we are, not as we wish to be
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
‘Secret group of scientists and billionaires’ working to ‘stop COVID-19’: The transformative power of unity
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Tom Hanks wants to create a ‘Hank-ccine’ for coronavirus: Trusting God’s sovereign love with our needs
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Holocaust survivor honored 75 years after his liberation: How people you don’t know change your world
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
A movie experience from my childhood is the new future: Hearing the surprising voice of God
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Welcome to the office of the future: How to ‘cast all your anxiety’ on God
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Asteroid appears to be wearing a facemask: An often-overlooked path to happiness
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Teenager creates ear guards to help with facemasks: God uses people who don’t know they’re being used
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
I couldn’t see meteors in the pre-dawn sky: ‘Doubting Thomas’ and faith in our unseen Father
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
A most unusual television reporter: Giving our ‘utmost’ to God’s ‘highest’
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
The Lyrid meteor shower is peaking: A reflection on the staggering omnipotence and intimate love of our Father
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Lysol factory worker is ‘on the front lines now’: Evolution’s ‘most persistent problem’ and the privilege of knowing a personal God
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
The House of Commons will meet via Zoom: Making changes to preserve what must not change
Jim Denison, PhD