How does a Christian transform the culture?

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How does a Christian transform the culture?

Episode 8 of "Being Christian in today's culture"

May 23, 2024 -

In this final episode of our special eight-episode series called “Being Christian in today’s culture,” Dr. Denison discusses the significance of cultural engagement. He explores how Christians can utilize their influence in various areas of society like family, church, community, and job, to foster a closer relationship with God and help the world flourish biblically. 

The conversation highlights the concept of being a ‘cultural missionary’ rather than a ‘cultural warrior,’ stressing the importance of the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering believers to make a practical, tangible difference in the kingdom of God. 

For more, read this episode’s accompanying articles, “Changed people change the world” and “Lies that lead us astray.

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  • (01:22): The Foundation of Cultural Engagement: White Papers and Biblical Flourishing
  • (04:02): Understanding and Embracing Cultural Engagement
  • (07:31): Strategic and Spirit-Led Cultural Engagement
  • (16:44): Leveraging Spiritual Gifts for Kingdom Impact
  • (29:49) The Challenge of Being Transformational in a Complex World
  • (34:15): The Pursuit of a Christian Majority: Goals and Realities
  • (39:13): The Power of the Holy Spirit in Christian Life
  • (48:46): Cultural Engagement and the Normal Christian Life


About Dr. Jim Denison

Jim Denison, PhD, is a cultural theologian and the founder and CEO of Denison Ministries. He speaks biblically into significant cultural issues at Denison Forum. He is the chief author of The Daily Article and has written more than 30 books, including The Coming Tsunami, the Biblical Insight to Tough Questions series, and The Fifth Great Awakening.

About Dr. Mark Turman

Dr. Mark Turman is the Executive Director of Denison Forum and Vice President of Denison Ministries. Among his many duties, Turman is most notably the host of The Denison Forum Podcast. He is also the chief strategist for DF Pastors, which equips pastors and church leaders to understand and transform today’s culture.

About Denison Forum

Denison Forum exists to thoughtfully engage the issues of the day from a biblical perspective through The Daily Article email newsletter and podcast, The Denison Forum Podcast, as well as many books and additional resources.

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