The business of abortion

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The business of abortion

July 2, 2014 -

It seems apparent to me that all abortion clinics are daily dealing with an enormous conflict of interest.  In order for a clinic to keep its doors open and pay its employees, it must generate income.  How does it generate income?  By performing a profitable medical procedure ending the life of a not-yet-born child: abortions.  

This is even more complicated for Planned Parenthood because they accept millions of dollars of taxpayer money from the federal government.  If they perform and report more abortions, they will potentially receive more funding.  When a business that provides a profitable service meets with a new potential client, do you think they try to sell their service or convince the client that the service is not in their best interest and walk them out the door?

This conflict of interest is illustrated by an award that was given to the Aurora, Colorado Planned Parenthood branch for “exceeding abortion visits” when comparing a quarter in 2012 to 2013.  This means that these abortion providers have abortion quotas that must be met for a clinic to be successful.  How does this fit into the pro-choice mantra that says “Abortions should be safe, legal and rare?”

Abby Johnson left the abortion business in 2009.  She had worked in the industry for eight years and became the Health Center Director of a Planned Parenthood.  She left after becoming very disturbed by the “increase in abortion quota, new desire to expand late term abortion services, and in the end, watching a 13 week old child in the womb struggle for his life during an abortion procedure.”

And Then There Were None is Johnson’s ministry aimed at helping individuals leave the abortion industry, supporting them emotionally, spiritually and legally.  They even offer a month of financial support when a worker resigns to aid in their transition into a new career.  The ministry takes a unique approach to the pro-life cause: “no abortion clinic workers, no abortion clinics, no abortions.”

At the Denison Forum we often ask you, our readers, to pray for Muslims, especially radical Muslims, to meet Jesus.  Similarly, let’s intercede for workers in the abortion industry, praying that they would meet Jesus and share his love for all children.

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