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Is God authoritarian? A censored “Simpsons” episode in China illustrates the answer
Mark Legg

Biblical living
Hamas co-founder Mahmoud al-Zahar says Israel has no right to exist: Why this is a spiritual battle we must fight on our knees
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
The death of Prince Philip: Continuing the case for Christian optimism
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
A painting by Winston Churchill sold for $12 million: Finding our true worth in Whose we are
Jim Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Chick-fil-A manager intervenes in vaccination snafu: The power of courage and the liberation of limitations
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
The revolution ended today—in 1784: A lesson from the past on how to build a better future
Ryan Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s example of civility: Choosing today to invest in tomorrow
Jim Denison, PhD

Popular culture
If “Love Island” is our future: The legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the urgency of moral purpose
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Woman donates kidney to man who received her husband’s kidney: The transforming consequences of character
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Making and distributing a COVID-19 vaccine is the “biggest medical manufacturing challenge in history”: Hope that changes hearts forever
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Honoring our veterans on VE Day: Let’s make America a nation worthy of their service
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Building the world’s longest undersea tunnel: ‘No man is an island, entire of itself’
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
WWII veteran receives 125,000 birthday cards: God uses us as we are, not as we wish to be
Jim Denison, PhD

Current events
Wallis Simpson buried on this day in 1986: The king who abdicated his throne for the one he loved
Jim Denison, PhD