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Biblical living
How “expressive individualism” and LGBTQ+ became the norm: A review of Carl Trueman’s “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self”
Mark Legg

Biblical living
What does social justice mean to Christians? Dr. Thaddeus Williams on “Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth”
Steve Yount

Biblical living
What is the “Wisdom Pyramid”?: Brett McCracken offers advice on “Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World”
Steve Yount

Current events
In “His Truth Is Marching On,” Jon Meacham considers John Lewis’ Christian faith and legacy
Steve Yount

Biblical living
In “Talking Back to Purity Culture,” Rachel Joy Welcher takes the purity movement to task for missing the point of biblical sexuality
Steve Yount

Biblical living
An important message for our times: The lasting legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Life Together”
Steve Yount

Popular culture
Pursue “Beautiful Resistance” in Jon Tyson’s “The Joy of Conviction in a Culture of Compromise”
Steve Yount

Current events
Presidents need prayers: John Dickerson on “The Hardest Job in the World”
Steve Yount

Biblical living
“What does it mean to be welcoming?”: Travis Collins offers a guide to navigating LGBT questions
Steve Yount

God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath
Steve Yount

Popular culture
“The man is non-stop”: An excerpt from “God and Hamilton” by Kevin Cloud
Denison Forum

Popular culture
A chance to be faithful: N. T. Wright’s ‘God and the Pandemic’ is a timely book
Steve Yount

Biblical living
‘What does the Lord require of you?’: Bryan Stevenson answers in ‘Just Mercy’
Steve Yount