My local newspaper is the Dallas Morning News. Its website this morning leads with a story about our school district and speculation that Tony Romo could replace the injured Aaron Rodgers. I scrolled to the bottom of the website but found nothing on the bombings in Somalia’s capital that killed more than three hundred people last Saturday.
The Chicago Tribune is leading with the Cubs’ loss to the Dodgers last night. It mentions the Somalia bombing with a single line in the smallest print on the website. The Los Angeles Times mentions the story near the bottom of its website with a single line.
If this tragedy had occurred in the United States, it would be leading every newspaper in America. The fact that it happened on the coast of East Africa makes it no less heartbreaking for every person who died or was injured and every person who loves them. Including their Father in heaven.
It is human nature to value what we can see over what we cannot see. This is why newspapers give the greatest coverage to news that affects their readers directly. But such a materialistic view of life obscures all that gives life its greatest meaning.
Yesterday, I spent some time sitting before a pond on a cloudy morning. I asked the Lord to speak to me through his creation, and immediately my mind was drawn to the surface of the water. I could see nothing below it. There could be fish or turtles swimming there—the fact that I could not see them made them no less real.
Just then, the sun broke through the clouds momentarily before disappearing again. If I didn’t know better, I might think the clouds were permanent and the sun was temporary, when it’s actually the other way around. The fact that I couldn’t see the sun behind the clouds made it no less real.
Jesus returned from earth to heaven twenty centuries ago. Is he still at work in our world? Consider five biblical facts:
• Jesus is granting salvation to every person who turns to him in faith (Romans 6:23). No one is beyond the reach of grace.
• He is preparing a place for his followers in heaven (John 14:2–3). The Master Carpenter (Mark 6:3) is working right now on your eternal home.
• He is interceding for us at “the right hand of God” (Romans 8:34). Jesus is praying for you at this very moment.
• He is advocating for us before the Father when we sin (1 John 2:1). The next time you sin, remember that your Savior is praying for your forgiveness and restoration.
• He is holding us in his hand (John 10:28–29). All that comes to you must come through him. You are sheltered in his hand right now.
Eternal salvation, an eternal home, divine intercession, advocacy when we sin, and omnipotent protection—none are visible to our senses, but can you think of greater gifts?
“Don’t believe the materialistic lie that your success today is measured by your possessions and popularity.”
Don’t believe the materialistic lie that your success today is measured by your possessions and popularity. What you can’t see is infinitely more significant than what you can see. Henry Scougal noted in 1677: “The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love.”
What—or Who—will be the object of your love today?