Cruz Names Fiorina His VP

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Cruz Names Fiorina His VP

April 28, 2016 -

Ted Cruz announced yesterday that Carly Fiorina will be his running mate if he wins the Republican presidential nomination. Donald Trump made a major foreign policy speech as well, outlining his priorities if he is elected president this November.

I am not writing today to comment on either announcement. Rather, I want to focus on those who are. Both stories were covered by news outlets around the world. In the same way, American reporters are covering global stories this morning.

For instance, this morning’s Wall Street Journal reports on the stalled peace talks in Syria, a suicide bombing in Turkey, and a migrant detention center in New Guinea. The front page of today’s New York Times tells us about efforts to end a half-century of fighting in Colombia.

The world is still the same size it was a century ago, but it certainly seems smaller. Today we know what happens when it happens. There’s bad news and good news in this news.

First, the bad news: Falsehoods taught in part of the world can now spread around the world more easily than ever. Take the case of the United Church of Canada (UCC).

This denomination has been following the lead of European theologians who question biblical authority and remake church doctrine to follow cultural trends. As a result, for decades the UCC has allowed openly gay men and women to lead its ministries. Now it’s deciding whether to allow an openly atheistic pastor to continue leading one of its churches. What comes next is anyone’s guess.

What happens over there affects what happens over here. (For more on this, see Mark Cook’s What Live Streaming Means for Leaders.) In a world where heresy is just a click away, Christians must be more discerning of falsehood and more committed to biblical truth than ever.

Now to the good news: God’s word can reach people no one could reach before. One example is the amazing work of Global Media Outreach, which has shared the gospel with more thanĀ 110,000 people just this morning. Other ministries are also using current technology to take biblical truth around the globe.

I have no idea what Ted Cruz or his fellow candidates will do today to make global headlines tomorrow. But I do know that everything Christians say and do for God’s glory impacts lives for eternity. And I know what happens when someone trusts in Jesus: “There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).

May someone bring joy to the angels today because of me. And because of you.

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