The United States 2020 census begins Tuesday in a surprising way.
Toksook Bay, population 661, is on the edge of Alaska near the Bering Sea. Its homes are painted lime green, purple, or neon blue to help distinguish them from the white winterscape that makes it hard to tell where the frozen sea ends and the village begins.
The rest of the US will begin the census in mid-March, but by that time Toksook Bay will empty as its residents scatter for traditional hunting and fishing grounds. The frozen ground makes it easy to get around now, but by March it will melt into marsh that’s difficult to traverse.
So census takers are traveling by boat and plane to Toksook Bay to be sure its residents are included.
As much as these Americans deserve to be a part of our national census, they deserve even more to be included in God’s family. Jesus called us to make disciples of “all nations.”
Who will hear the good news of his love from you today?