Dr. Denison and I are collaborating for this clear purpose: to edify pastors and church leaders so they can serve the church and world well.
Edify means to “build up, to make stronger, or healthier.” When I started out in ministry, my pastor and mentor, the late Paul Powell, once told me, “Church ministry is a splendid misery.”
I agree with him.
Serving with the Spirit of Christ and his people to spread the gospel and make disciples is challenging. In one sense, it’s the most splendid of all possible endeavors. Sharing the story and love of Jesus with those who don’t know him, helping believers mature in their own walk of faith, and doing good works that reflect the love and power of Christ is sacred stuff.
But because of sin and the devil, the whole world and all the people in it are broken. This universal fallenness brings large amounts of misery. Every church leader knows the truth Jesus referred to when he said, “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10).
Our shared hope is that A Pastor’s View will be a way for us to come alongside those who serve Christ’s church as leaders, teachers, coaches, guides, and shepherds. Through encouragement, education and equipping across a wide range of topics and fellowship, we hope to create a learning community that helps us all thrive to maximum fruitfulness for his kingdom.