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Saturday, June 15, 2024

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A man standing in front of open church doors waves to an oncoming visitor.

“What does it mean to be welcoming?”: Travis Collins offers a guide to navigating LGBT questions

Chadwick Boseman's death and faith: The power of purpose and the "two great days" of your life

Chadwick Boseman’s death and faith: The power of purpose and the “two great days” of your life

Closeup of a bald eagle in flight against white clouds in a blue sky.

Bald eagle attacks government drone: You were designed to soar

Two people look at the aftermath of Hurricane Laura, as a large tree has demolished their home.

Responding to Hurricane Laura and the “compound risks” we face: Four ways to be empowered by gratitude

A woman types on a laptop computer.

Feeling disconnected at work and church? Consider your highest priority meeting

Sean Connery turns ninety

Sean Connery turns ninety: What the popularity of James Bond can teach us about promoting biblical truth

A large telescope sits in front of a much larger moon.

Angel-bats and “The Great Moon Hoax”: Must we always be so serious?

Closeup of a married elderly couple holding hands

When COVID-19 closed nursing homes, this husband moved in to be with his wife: The power and appeal of unconditional love

A tree which brought down power lines lies on the street at the Astoria neighborhood after Tropical Storm Isaias battered the region

How a tropical storm created “two-faced” trees: What happens when we separate Sunday from Monday

A robotic hand hovers over the keys of a laptop keyboard.

How a series of AI-generated blog posts went viral: A warning not to waste our credibility

The Walt Disney Co. logo appears on a screen above the floor of the New York Stock Exchange

Disney Channel to release first animated show with bisexual lead: A different response to the sexual morality of our day

An asteroid floats near earth

An asteroid just missed our planet: “Poly-parent households,” “tri-parenting,” and the urgency and hope of biblical truth

Soccer stadium seats

Man arrested after two-week stay in stadium luxury suite: How COVID has taught me not to worry

Hashtag #wrongtrump trends after death of president's brother: Suffrage, the Soviet Union, and reasons to risk for Jesus

Hashtag #wrongtrump trends after death of president’s brother: Suffrage, the Soviet Union, and reasons to risk for Jesus

A child holds up cutouts of a family unit.

5,000 offers to adopt one boy: Have you been adopted into a “forever family”?

A yellow cross, MacBook, iPad, and iPhone sit on a wooden desk.

The unsurprising truth of 20 years of Daily Articles: God’s news never gets old

A gay pride flag waves besides a church.

Are evangelicals changing their minds about same-sex relationships? A surprising way to follow the example of Jesus

A Department of Homeland Security officer emerges from the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse after demonstrators lit a fire on Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020, in Portland, Ore.

Was a Bible burned in Portland? Two sides of the story and the truth that will “set you free”

Two women laughing

Is your smile 82 feet wide?: How to reflect contagious joy in our everyday world

Kamala Harris

Joe Biden nominates Kamala Harris for VP: What your place in the world says about your view of the world

President Ronald Reagan shakes hands with Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev

Reagan jokes about bombing Russia: A reminder of the power of our words

Chicago violence looted store

“Absolute chaos in downtown Chicago”: Why a “theology of exile” is empowering for Christians today

A line of women rally for women's suffrage and advertise a free rally discussing women's right to vote in New York, in Sept. 1916.

It’s been 100 years since women won the right to vote: Have we since achieved “a more perfect union”?

Who should Joe Biden nominate for VP?

Who should Joe Biden nominate for VP? Three biblical commitments we owe his selection

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