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Monday, February 17, 2025

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A crowd of 262 people dressed as Leprechauns gather at the Canal Theatre to break the Guinness World Record in Dublin November 16, 2011 (Credit: Guinness World Records/handout)

Leprechauns and hula hoops

Some Canadian pumpkins (Credit: Martin Doege aka Morn the Gorn via

When pumpkins attack

Justin Bieber performing at the Sentul International Convention Center in Jakarta during his My World Tour, April 2011 (Credit: Adam Sundana via Flickr)

Justin Bieber and Marcus Aurelius

New York City police officers arrest a protestor affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement as he tries to return to Zuccotti Park, in New York November 15, 2011. (Credit: Eduardo Munoz / Reuters)

Occupy arrests, the NBA, and peace

Students protesting against the speech of the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at Columbia, 2007 (Credit: David Shankbone via

Iran, the bomb, and true peace

U.S. Navy sailor and woman at the Tomb of the Unknowns, May 1943 (Credit: John Collier, FSA/OWI)

11.11.11 on 11-11-11

Penn State Board of Trustees Chairman Steve Garban, left, and Vice Chairman John Surma appear at a late-night news conference to announce the firing of legendary football coach Joe Paterno and university President Graham Spanier (Credit: Reuters/Tim Shaffer)

How God feels about the Penn State tragedy

Penn State University football coach Joe Paterno is helped to his residence by his son Scott (L) after speaking to a group of students rallying at the house in State College, Pennsylvania, November 8, 2011 (Credit: Reuters/Tim Shaffer)

The tragedy of Joe Paterno

Herman Cain pauses as he addresses a Northern Virginia Technology Council breakfast meeting in McLean, Virginia, November 2, 2011 (Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

How should Herman Cain respond?

An eathquake late Saturday night caused extensive damage to the towers (turrets) atop Benedictine Hall, the most prominent structure on the campus of St. Gregory's University in Shawnee (Credit: The Oklahoman/Jim Beckel)

Three lessons from the Oklahoma quakes

Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba at the Grand mosque in Mecca during the annual haj pilgrimage November 11, 2010. The haj is one of the world's biggest displays of mass religious devotion and a duty for Muslims who can perform it (Credit: Reuters/Mohammed Salem)

The hajj, faith, and works

Statue of Benjamin Franklin in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, US government permanent collection. Public domain (Credit: Billy Hathorn via

The most dangerous belief in America today

TV personality Kim Kardashian arrives at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles August 28, 2011 (Credit: Reuters/Danny Moloshok)

Kim Kardashian and space rocks


The monk who changed the world

Passengers travel atop a train headed for Mymensing from Dhaka (Credit: Reuters/Andrew Biraj)

One of seven billion

Texas was so close. Freese's triple off Rangers relief pitcher Neftali Feliz ties the game at 7-7. We're going to extra innings, World Series Game 6 in St. Louis, Oct 27, 2011 (Credit: MCT/Ron T Ennis)

One strike away, twice

Steve Jobs Mercedes allegedly parked in handicap spot (Credit: Rana Sobhany via Flickr)

Why Steve Jobs had no license plates

On They Came with Flags Flying by Mort Kunstler

IBM, Gettysburg, and hope

MyCalmBeat app running on an iPhone

An app for reducing stress

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi speaks during a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of the evacuation of the American military bases in the country, in Tripoli, June 12, 2010 (Credit: Ismail Zetouny)

The death of Gadhafi and the call of God

Profile of the Imperial State Crown from the right, the crown's left (Credit: CSvBibra via

Who is your king?

Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy France at night (Credit: Benh Lieu Song via

How to change the world

Bengali children at a HARD (Humanitarian Aid for Rural Development)

It’s not about us

Fishers of Men by Simon Dewey

The only relationship that matters

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