Contributor Article

Biblical living
When innocent men have to lie to be free: Two lessons from a fascinating case
Ryan Denison, PhD

Is God authoritarian? A censored “Simpsons” episode in China illustrates the answer
Mark Legg

Biblical living
When good people have bad ideas: How to disagree agreeably this holiday season
Steve Yount

Current events
How Warrior Hockey equips veterans to help other veterans find peace off the battlefield
Ryan Denison, PhD

Biblical living
Relief will come: An excerpt from Max Lucado’s “You Were Made for This Moment”
Max Lucado

Biblical living
New C. S. Lewis film “The Most Reluctant Convert” is an inspiring account of a legendary story
Mark Legg

Popular culture
In “Change Your World,” John C. Maxwell and Rob Hoskins motivate readers to action
Steve Yount