Think biblically, live holy, serve redemptively
We’re inviting you to help reverse the moral decline in our culture through Christ-centered content.
This shift will happen as more and more people like Shelly are impacted by content based on the truth of God’s word.
Shelly is a Denison Forum reader, and she recently shared…
“I am a faithful follower of Denison Forum. Your column is a vital part of my morning devotional time. I am always encouraged by having a current issue analyzed and assigned a specific thought to be prayed about during my day. Thank you for the time and devotion to our Lord’s kingdom in our world today.”
As we celebrate our 15 year anniversary and look ahead to the next 15 years, our mission stays the same — and as always, your partnership will be vital.
We are grateful for your continued support and excited about what lies ahead.
“Thinking biblically and acting redemptively has never been more vital.”
*If you choose to make a gift in memory of or in honor of, you are giving us permission to provide the recipient with your contact information (name, email, phone number and physical address). If you do not wish to share this information, please make a note in the “Your Message to the Recipient” box.